Author: electricityclub (Page 5 of 417)

“I don’t like country & western, I don’t like rock music… I don’t like rockabilly! I don’t like much really do I? But what I do like, I love passionately!!”: CHRIS LOWE

“Good taste is exclusive”: NICK RHODES

MARK REEDER: The B-Movie Tenth Anniversary Interview

An Englishman In Berlin, in 2015, a fascinating and enjoyable documentary with the life of Mark Reeder acting as its narrative, ‘B-Movie: Lust & Sound In West Berlin 1979 – 1989’ captured the music, art and chaos of the divided city before its infamous wall came down.

Manchester-born Mark Reeder was friends with Mick Hucknall and Ian Curtis but became fascinated by German electronic music, leading to him to venture into die Bundesrepublik in search of records he couldn’t get back home. Curiosity led him to hitchhike to West Berlin and fascinated by the characters he encountered, he stayed.

West Berlin became the creative melting pot for sub- and pop-culture. Before the iron curtain fell, everything and anything seemed possible. Using a fast-paced collage of mostly unreleased film and TV footage from a frenzied but creative decade, starting with punk and ending with the Love Parade, life in in der Mauerstadt where neat the days were short and the nights were endless as its residents lived for the moment.

‘B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989’ was accompanied by a fitting soundtrack and this ‘B-Music’ is now reissued by Edel Motion as a pink + yellow vinyl double LP; to coincide with this tenth anniversary release, Mark Reeder looked back with ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK at ‘B-Movie: Lust & Sound In West Berlin 1979 – 1989’…

As it goes into its tenth year since its release, ‘B-Movie’ still endures, why do you think that is?

I think it is simply because the film never really ages. The images you see on screen, are already old, having been filmed in West-Berlin of the 1980s. It also reaches a very wide audience too, not only nostalgic pensioners who can remember living through those times, but the fact that it resonates with younger, and contemporary audiences too. People who are captivated by its imagery, humour and positive message.

I tried to present an inspiring message of hope, to show people that regardless of the difficulties we endured, we were able to remain creative in the face of adversity.

In hindsight, would you like to have done anything different with ‘B-Movie’?’

Not really. At first, I was frustrated that we couldn’t release the film internationally, as I wanted everyone to see it, but meanwhile I believe the fact that it isn’t available everywhere at the touch of a button, makes it more desirable, and has given it even more meaning. It’s something to discover, to tell your friends and you have to search for it.

The only thing I wish Edel would have done, was to release the 5.1 surround versions of all the songs as isolated tracks on the Blu-Ray/DVD. They could have branched the tracks, so that you got to hear the full song in stereo or 5.1 surround. You honestly can’t imagine how impressive EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN, MALARIA! or JOY DIVISION sound in full surround. You only get a small taste from the film.

The film has only had a limited broadcast on TV arts channels, has that been intentional?

No, that wasn’t intentional, as such, it just wasn’t considered by the producers. This has resulted in the film not being available on TV Networks outside of Germany, and the film has never been screened in the UK on TV.

The producers initially thought that the films specific subject was really only going to be interesting for a limited German audience, and so they only cleared the music rights for Germany, film festivals and special events, such as the UK tour put together by the ‘Sound of Free Speech’ film director Brandon Spivey and Tim Burge (of Mercury Machine) which was hosted by the Goethe Institut.

You’ve toured the world with showings of ‘B-Movie’, which places do you remember you received the most interesting and maybe surprising reactions from?

There have been quite a few. The screening in Taipei, Taiwan for Living Green was very impressive. Jesse Chen and Sebastian Wu made a beautiful exhibition of my photos in a former (Japanese) Police Station and screened the film over a week. They also designed an impressive brochure for it, that looked like an East German Passport. Another impressive screening was at the DMZ film festival on the border between North and South Korea, where they projected ‘B-Movie’ on the side of a huge apartment block every night, for five nights.

Also, the two-month Goethe Institute sponsored tour of China was also very impressive, as we never screened it in cinemas there, only in locations that were either clubs or live venues. I also screened ‘B-Movie’ in Moscow in December 2019 in the city’s biggest Soviet era cinema, which I think was full of Navalny supporters. They too had made an exhibition in an arts school, whereby they had recreated my old Berlin apartment for my photo exhibition. I was told by the Russian viewers that ‘B-Movie’ is inspiring to them because it is not the usual PR documentary film about an artist’s success, riches and fame. It is a true story, about failure and survival.

‘B-Movie’ continues to be used as the video backdrop for whenever NEW ORDER perform ‘Singularity’ live, how did that come about originally?

After Bernard Sumner came to the first UK screening at Home in Manchester, he was very impressed by the footage and feeling of the film, and he asked me if NEW ORDER could use it for their video to ‘Singularity’. Bernard often came to visit me Berlin in the 1980s and he said he could really identify with the images and atmosphere he saw on the screen, which he thought complimented the subject of the song.

NEW ORDER’s video is a three-minute edit of the film, and in most cases, it’s the first and only introduction most people have to ‘B-Movie’. In return, it has not only promoted their song, but also the film, and as an added bonus I got to remix ‘Singularity’ too.

The double vinyl of the soundtrack gets a reissue and features about half of the material that was included on the double CD version, how did you go about deciding what went on?

That was a very difficult choice between the film’s director Klaus Maeck and myself, and it was really only determined in the end by who would give us the compilation rights. For example, I really wanted my special reworking of EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN on the compilation, but for internal and personal reasons, they didn’t wish to be included, which we had to respect.

Others wanted too much money, so they were automatically excluded. In the end though, I think we found a nice balance of indie artists from the period mixed with a few hits, and more established artists. Yes, to commemorate the film’s tenth anniversary in 2025, Edel have decided to re-release the soundtrack just in time for Christmas on pink and yellow vinyl. This is to make up the colours of the cover, which in turn is a stylistic representation of the German flag.

Photo by Hermann Vaske

Can you remember your first reaction when you heard ‘Komakino’ by JOY DIVISION which was inspired by the band’s experience of the Kant-Kino gig you put on?

I can remember Rob Gretton telling me that the band had recorded a song about their experience in Berlin, and that it was being released as a free flexi-disc. I was very excited. He sent me a huge box, from which I took piles of singles to all the West-Berlin record shops, for them to give away. I think most probably ended up in the bin.

The sound of the flexi was pretty dreadful to be honest, and it sounded like someone was sweeping the studio floor with a stiff brush while they were making it. It didn’t really do the band much good. The track had only ever been a demo mix by Martin Hannett, but Tony and Rob thought it would be a good way to promote the band further and fill a space while they were finishing ‘Closer’. After the release of the album, it was apparent that the song was very different to all the other tracks on ‘Closer’ and it didn’t really fit in. It remains a stand-alone.

When it came to making the soundtrack for ‘B-Movie’, I wanted to revisit this song and rework it so that it would sound good in the cinema. It was a daunting task. Thankfully I had an unmastered version to use as a basis, but it still took my studio partner Micha Adam and I about three months to deconstruct it and then reconstruct it in 5.1 surround sound and stereo. Therefore, the version you hear on the ‘B-Movie’ Soundtrack is exclusive to the film and this soundtrack album.

‘You Need The Drugs’ is the recurring track in the film and is a bonafide classic, but was it obvious early on that it would be the signature tune of the film?

Yes actually, I think the moment we heard the demo, we were all in agreement that the song should be the film’s theme tune. I initially wanted to write something, but when Westbam proposed the song, and I DJ’d it at a party, I realised this was definitely it.

Richard Butler’s vocals were so perfect and they reflected the subject of the movie so well. When we got the vocal files, we realised Richard had recorded about 6 proper versions in the studio, but none of them sounded as rough as his original early morning demo version, which he had just sung into his laptop. We used that vocal. We also made a special 5.1 surround version for the film, which is a slightly different mix to Westbam’s original album version.

There are so many highlights but if you had to pick one scene or moment, what would it be?

My favourite scene is probably MALARIA! performing ‘Kaltes Klares Wasser’.

MALARIA! feature on the album, what is your favourite memory of them and their music?

Oh, that is a hard one. I am still friends with the girls and I have many fond memories from the time they were an active band up to today. Together with Elisabeth Recker who started the Monogam record label, Gudrun and Bettina were the driving force in my opinion of the whole avant-garde scene in Berlin. They had a definitive agenda and idea of what they wanted to do and sound.

They made no compromises. That was very inspiring to me. I loved the fact they discarded all the rules of rock & roll and made it up themselves. Their music is an enduring testimony to that attitude. When I think about it though, my favourite tour was when we went to Italy. Although the gigs weren’t particularly successful, the experience was enlightening.

Photo by Peter Gruchot

Do you have any favourite tracks on the double vinyl soundtrack?

My favourite track is… I have no idea. It works as a listen through album. Almost all the tracks featured on the soundtrack album are special versions which Micha Adam and I created for the film. They are exclusive to ‘B-Movie’.

You wanted ‘Heroes’ on the original soundtrack but licensing proved prohibitive, were there any other tracks you would have to have included?

The producer originally wanted ‘Heroes’ as the intro to ‘B-Movie’, and I suggested we use the German version ‘Helden’, but that never happened due to publishing rights and budget issues, and so we used ‘Holidays in the Sun’ instead, as that was also a very inspirational track for me at the time. I also wanted to use ‘Nothing To Do’ by V2, as they were also friends and one of the first Manchester punk bands after Buzzcocks. It is a great song that summed up life in Manchester during the late 70s, but unfortunately, it never made it into the final film version. Another song we couldn’t get clearance for was the original version of ‘Kebabträume’ by DAF, we wanted that too. So, I ended up making my own homage with my track, ‘Mauerstadt’.

While there is a darkness to ‘B-Movie’, it is positive in its possibilities… with the world in the situation it is at the moment and elements of deja vu, we know the fears but what are the hopes for the future in your view?

Since ‘B-Movie’ was first released in 2015, I have had a lot of young people coming to me and saying that they wished that they had lived through these times. The images are somehow so romantic and exciting. The time appears to be creative and inspiring. It wasn’t easy to survive back then. Well, I feel we are back where we started.

In the 1980s, backwater West-Berlin was full of draft dodgers and artistic refugees, all fleeing from the restricting lifestyles of West Germany. It was full of all those people that didn’t fit into what was perceived as normal West German society. No one really had any money, but it was thrilling. We struggled to do the things we wanted and yet in retrospect, we achieved so much through our creative thinking.
The Cold War hung over the city like a shroud. The threat of confrontation and nuclear holocaust was literally something that could happen just down the walled-off road. It gave Berlin a subliminally tense ambience. Everyone seemed to live their lives as if it was their last day on Earth.

It could be all over tomorrow, so let’s do it now, while we are still here – was the general attitude. Meanwhile, Berlin has become an international city. The draft dodgers and misfits come not from West-Germany, but from all over the World. The cold-war threat of nuclear holocaust is back too and that could kick off a little further down the road.

Life is like a living in a thriller again. I look at the present, and think we have a very similar situation to the 80s. So now it is time for younger people to grasp the moment and be creative within the confines of the situation. Use the time. I believe that the uncertainly of the situation will bring with it new music and new artists, all wanting to express themselves. Hopefully many will be inspired by B-Movie to understand that whatever they are dreaming about, it is possible.

You just can’t wait for someone else to do it, you have to do it yourself, and do it now.

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its warmest thanks to Mark Reeder

The soundtrack ‘B-Music (Lust & Sound in West-Berlin)’ is reissued by Edel Motion as a pink + yellow vinyl double LP, available now direct from

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
7 December 2024

CHIKISS Between Time & Laziness

The self-proclaimed Cyrillic songstress and “DIY producer of everything” Galina Ozeran is back under her solo nom de théâtre of CHIKISS after her 2022 album ‘Metamorphoses’ with Turkish musician Etkin Çekin as GOD IS GOD.

Ozeran grew up in Belarus playing classical piano before becoming a professional musician, self-releasing her first mini-album as CHIKISS in 2007. Her most recent CHIKISS album ‘Something Natural’ was a collection of lo-fi instrumental avant-garde works in a variety of different styles, so ‘Between Time & Laziness’ is a return to song-based material. Her willing conspirator in the process as co-producer is Athens-based Finn Jaakko Eino Kalevi whose own double album ‘Chaos Magic’ was the best release of 2023.

With tensions in her homeland and a war with its neighbours, Ozeran’s exile to Berlin sees her weighing darkness and light. As existential, psychological, and philosophical concerns shape her most polished vocal album to date, she expresses the turbulence of the world around her as it appears to go full circle into the uncertainty that exemplified the Soviet era.

Photo by Epiq Sty

With a delicious exotic groove, ‘Evil Sky’ enters an atmospheric cocoon of mysterious cinematic synth and stark spoken word to open ‘Between Time & Laziness’ proper. But true to her eclectic colours, ‘DKN’ plays with jazz swing rhythms and filmic synth textures…. conventional this certainly isn’t!

With ominous bass and whirring electronic lines, ‘Nevesta’ canters at a near funereal pace; however the ‘Between Time & Laziness’ title track develops on this bed and speeds it into a glorious spy drama passage of squelch, freeform soloing , icy strings, random organ and breathy vocals that will delight those into sonic randomness with some structure.

Embroiled in resignation, ‘Train Schedule’ is deep in contralto with a gothic allure, but when the glorious arpeggiated sparkles and chordial layers appear alongside the synthetic drums rolls, it recalls the elegiac moods of PET SHOP BOYS ‘Kings Cross’. Although drone-laden, ‘4:45’ is moody synthpop possessing that classic rainy European chic inspired by the moment in Rapid Eye Movement sleep when the illusion feels most real.

Photo by Anna Eckold

With memories of the first space race, ‘Into The Void’ goes into dark romantic synthpop with a nouvelle vague drama that even sees disco syndrums and some wonderfully anachronistic Spaghetti Western whistling from Jaakko Eino Kalevi come into the picture.

Across 11 minutes ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ utilises a long ambient intro before entering into an electronic take on JOY DIVISION’s ‘I Remember Nothing’ in its bass and rhythmic movements although the orchestrated synth lines are haunting and strident in their appeal, especially as they get more epic as the time flies by… closing with ‘Forever’, this hope of a better future sees Ozeran playing with eerie vocal ad libs over an incessant drum machine for a less song based variation of the title track.

Like a history of electronic expression, there is an aural familiarity to ‘Between Time & Laziness’ but none of the influences are blatant, presenting more of an impressionistic amalgam that offers reassurance in its musical empathy as an essential comfort amongst the disquiet.

With the aim “to find an outlet for accumulated emotions, and transform them into music and light”, Ozeran has succeeded in producing an absorbing body of work that while accessible, is tinged with sadness and melancholy so runs deeper in its emotions and sentiment than a regular pop record.

‘Between Time & Laziness’ is released in vinyl LP, CD + digital formats by Bureau B via

Text by Chi Ming Lai
5 December 2024

GEISTE Interview

Lost in the woods or by the sea…

French avant pop songstress GEISTE is who JRR Tolkien would have come up with if he had manufactured a pop star. She released her first EP ‘Utopia’ in 2020 just as Covid and lockdown hit the world, but her moody captivating songs provided an escape into an endearing fantasial world. Her most recent EP ‘Ashes’ was bewitching as her past works but a new maturity emerged.

GEISTE began as an acoustic act before she found that her fantasy storytelling and poetic prose could enter a more intriguing sonic universe using electronics. Her new EP ‘To Dusk’ sees a return of sorts to her roots with a collection of songs that delves into the softer, more introspective side of her music which began as piano ballads exploring themes of heartache, renewal and the beauty in moments of transition.

With rebirth very much in her mind, GEISTE spoke to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK about her career to date and coping with change…

What inspired the GEISTE persona and the style of music you make?

GEISTE was born in London from a deep need for storytelling and creating imaginary worlds to cope with the real one. It follows my life as I grow and navigate my own insecurities and life events. This project allows me to explore parts of myself I might otherwise hide or ignore. Musically, I’m inspired by wilderness, folklore, and emotional landscapes—both my own and humanity’s. GEISTE became a way to give each of these moments in my life its own chapter. I wanted my music to sound like it’s coming out of a tale while remaining relatable. Sharing songs often reveals how their meanings echo others’ lives, making the path feel less lonely.

Was working solo always a given or had you considered forming a band?

Working solo mainly came out of necessity. As an emerging artist, there’s usually limited funding, and I had to handle most things on my own, from live shows to music production and artistic direction. I also enjoy learning new things and finding creative solutions. Being on my own lets me express ideas exactly as I envision them. However, I’ve always been open to collaborations, and I hope to play these songs with a band someday. Over time, I’ve learned how transformative it can be to work with others who bring their perspectives and energies, and I’m looking forward to exploring more of that now.

It seems such a long time ago now, but your ‘Utopia’ EP came out at the start of lockdown, how were you dealing with the promotional situation? Did you find music was providing an escape for you and others listening?

Lockdown was challenging for everyone, shifting how we consume and experience art. With most people online, promoting meant making the project exist on social media rather than through live experiences. I loved how ‘Utopia’ provided listeners an escape, especially through our collaborative ‘Moonchild’ video. Seeing listeners respond with their own emotions and actively participate in the project during this first release was a beautiful moment of community. I hope to recreate that sense of connection and use my platforms to bring people together through creative collaborations.

The ‘Utopia’ EP used the practice of issuing single songs of a period and then compiling them into one release which is now common practice and has been carried over on ‘To Dusk’, how have the challenges been to develop a release strategy in today’s music market and keeping listeners interested?

With ‘To Dusk’, ‘Utopia’ and ‘Retrogrades’, I wanted to release singles that tell part of a larger story. There’s pressure today to release consistently and stay active on social platforms out of fear of losing momentum. Releasing singles supposedly makes it easier to get playlisted on streaming platforms by showing the algorithm you’re active. Personally, I prefer creating full projects with a storyline, but this approach takes longer. Stretching out releases helps promote more songs. With ‘Ashes’, I only released two singles before the EP, and I could see the difference in streaming numbers. As an independent artist with a small but wonderful fanbase, I’m very reliant on algorithms.

What about social media and maintaining a profile, do you embrace and enjoy it or is it something of a distraction?

Social media can feel overwhelming, especially with algorithms limiting reach. But I focus on the connections I make and the chance to share parts of my world. I’ve learned to care less about how many people see my posts or how many followers I have. It doesn’t make sense to me that gatekeepers use these metrics alone to determine an artist’s worth. I can’t control social media, so I focus on creating meaningful content for myself, the project, and those who have followed it. I love bringing people into the world I see each song in through videos, set designs, and costumes.

The ‘Ashes’ EP in 2023 was released on Emika Records and a product of lockdown, how do you look back on the person who created ‘Utopia’ to where you are now?

The person who made ‘Utopia’ was seeking a voice and strength in vulnerability. Since then, I’ve grown a lot. With each project, I’ve become more comfortable with myself and my work. ‘To Dusk’ reflects a more raw and confident version of that original creative impulse. I used to rely on big instrumentals and work with other producers because I wasn’t fully confident in myself. Now, living alone in the woods, I’ve learned music production to bring my ideas to life independently. ‘Ashes’ was my first step towards this, followed by ‘To Dusk’, which I produced entirely on my own. I miss who I was in London; she had more fire, or maybe it was just a more chaotic life. I know I’m in a transition period now. I’m unsure where I’m headed, but I’ve learned to embrace change.

Your new EP ‘To Dusk’ has arrangements that are more understated and pared down than on your previous EPs, was there a particular concept involved for the creative process?

After finishing ‘Ashes’, I felt I still needed to express more but only found myself writing piano ballads. It was new to me, as I usually drift from production while writing songs, and these were simply piano and voice. Initially, I didn’t want to release them since they felt so different, but friends convinced me they were worth sharing. I wrote them over the summer of 2022, I felt really lonely back then and used to walk a lot by the sea after sunset. That inspired the whole ‘To Dusk’ project. It tells a story of letting go and moving on. It sounds like a relationship in the songs but I think that deep inside I was letting go of the life I had before lockdown and processing it in that way. I tried to keep them as honest and raw as possible because for the first time I felt like what I had to say was enough. It was also an exercise of minimalism. I am a maximalist in life and collect tiny objects and my rooms are full of them. I tried to create something beautiful and meaningful with less and I think they are enough like that.

Do you have any favourite songwriting tools?

A £20 vintage Casio keyboard I found at Notting Hill Market—it has a “chorus” preset I use in most of my songs now.

How did ‘The Storm’ come about, are you able to say what it is about?

I don’t exactly remember how ‘The Storm’ came about, but it’s about dealing with overwhelming emotions, knowing that although it feels like too much to process, the moment will pass. The chorus melody might be the most beautiful I’ve ever written. It’s about unrequited love, experiencing big feelings, and struggling to process them all.

‘The House’ is very heartfelt and you are resigned to “just let it fall down”, was this song quite cathartic for you?

I think so. ‘The House’ is about letting go of the past, allowing old memories to fade and not defining me. Writing it felt cathartic, like freeing myself from weightless memories and people’s opinions.

You returned to playing live this summer for the first time in 2 years, how was it? Were there any anxieties to get through or was it all like riding a bicycle in the end?

I only played one show this year, booked at the last minute, so I didn’t have time to get anxious. I loved being back on stage and hadn’t realised how much I missed it. I hope to play more next year. There’s something irreplaceable about live shows, the energy exchange with the audience that you can’t replicate anywhere else.

For those who are reading and may be new to your music, is there a song from each of your four EPs that you would recommend as a starting point?

From ‘Utopia’, I’d suggest ‘Ocean’ – it introduces my world well, and there’s a nice music video for it.

From ‘Retrogrades’, I’d pick ‘Tide ‘as it’s my favourite.

For ‘Ashes’, I’d go with ‘22:59’, my favourite to play live, though I may be biased because this project was excruciating to write.

And from ‘To Dusk’, I’d pick ‘The Storm or ‘To Dusk’ for the most beautiful melodies I ever wrote.

You have created this series of lyric and poetry books, how did this idea come to fruition and how have they been received by your fanbase?

The idea of creating these books came up at a time when I felt stuck musically. After ‘Ashes’ and ‘To Dusk’, I didn’t/couldn’t write music for a long time, and these books came as a natural extension of that. It was a moment to pause instead of jumping straight into a new project, as I have been doing for the past five years. I had all these notebooks full of texts, notes, and drawings that eventually became songs, and I think I also felt a need to make something I could hold in my hands from all the work of these past years, as I never released physical copies of my music. I learned to bind them myself and made each one by hand. I knew I wouldn’t sell many, but they’ve been well-received by the people invested in this project. It’s wonderful to see fans appreciate these worlds beyond just the songs, diving deeper into the themes and words, and sending these little books all over the world.

Does the international success of an artist like AURORA give you hope that there is a place for GEISTE to attract a wider audience?

I hope so. It would be beautiful to see this project blossom and connect with more people.

What is next for you?

I’m working on many new songs, possibly a follow-up to ‘To Dusk’ or even an album. For now, I’m still in the south of France, where I’ve met people who want to help develop my project so I hope to play more shows here. I also hope to collaborate more with other artists.

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its warmest thanks to GEISTE

‘To Dusk’ is released as a digital EP via

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
2 December 2024

PISTON DAMP Mastermind Vol 1: No Points For Trying

Having made an attempt at ‘Making The World Great Again’ on 2021, Norwegian based electronic pop duo PISTON DAMP are back with the follow-up ‘Mastermind Vol 1: No Points For Trying’.

Compromising of Jonas Groth whose past work has been mostly with his older brother Stephan in his band APOPTYGMA BERZERK and the classically trained Truls Sønsterud, the subtitle ‘No Points For Trying’ indicates an air of resignation. What is not often known is Norway actually has a border with Russia so world events will have heightened tension.

Opening song ‘The Netherworld’ is swathed in an epic melancholy with an array classic synth sounds but what is this “hell” that Jonas Groth is referring to? There are many candidates. However the pace changes with the spritely Europop of ‘I’m Losing You (A New Tale)’ while ‘To My Knees’ co-produced by Stephan Groth (who is involved in all the album’s final mixes with the duo and Magne Johansen) utilises infectious sequencer patterns and synthetic swoops to good effect.

The ominous ‘Revolve’ is far moodier with layered vocal harmonies but displaying a kinship to ERASURE’s ‘The Circus’ period, the carousel motifs on ‘Waste’ provide a suitably unsettling ride for full cause and effect as there are “No Points For Trying”.

The speedy cut and trust of ‘Downfall’ ventures into electronic goth pop for its verses although the rousing choruses twist the plot somewhat. ‘Now You Know’ presents some great rewards in its sound design but showing opposing poles, the detuned riffs of ‘So Much To Like (Too Little To Do)’ are infectious.

‘Sacrifice’ with additional vocals from Truls Kristian Nygaard takes on much more sombre tones before the lo-fi vocodered tone poem ‘Down, Pt. 3’ interlude segues into ‘The Day Of Departure’, a marvellously wistful tune with cascading keys and shimmering leadlines to close.

Photo by Trygve Sorli

Despite the less optimistic tone compared to its predecessor, ‘Mastermind Vol 1: No Points For Trying’ is a worthy follow-up to ‘Making The World Great Again’ and a continuing development in the art of classic Nordic melancholy. Yes, this album is set to “depressed mode” and this would explain the absence of upbeat bangers.

But PISTON DAMP were so prolific in this second album phase and recorded enough material in a variety of styles for a double album. Thus “Vol 1” is where all the dark and moody songs have ended up for the onset of winter but “Vol2” promises to be more upbeat and pure synthpop in time for next summer. The story continues…

PISTON DAMP use the following synthesizers: Roland Juno 60, Roland Juno 106, Roland Jupiter 4, Roland System 500, Roland RS-505, Minimoog Voyager, Moog Matriarch, Moog Grandmother, Moogerfoogers, Korg MS20, Elektron Nord Lead 3, Analogue Systems Vostok 2000, ARP Odyssey and tons of Eurorack (mainly for percussion and sequencing)

‘Mastermind Vol 1: No Points For Trying’ is released on 29 November 2024 by Sub Culture Records as a limited edition vinyl LP, CD and download, available from

Text by Chi Ming Lai
28 November 2024

Lost Albums: KLAUS SCHULZE 101, Milky Way

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK was one of the last media platforms to interview the late German electronic pioneer Klaus Schulze shortly before his passing on 26 April 2022.

Klaus Schulze lived in his own cosmic sequenced world and his albums ‘Timewind’, ‘Moondawn’ and ‘Mirage’ are still held up as fine examples of The Berlin School. Klaus Schulze said to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK: “Every album I do is my best – everyone has its time and its own history and circumstances, though there are some albums that are more in my mind than others are! Really, when you work on something it is the latest and best you’ve ever done and so it always is my favourite record. It’s as simple as that.”

Wider interest in Klaus Schulze’s music was renewed after he worked with Hans Zimmer on ‘Grains of Sand’ on the ‘Dune’ soundtrack; “The world has finally caught up with a true pioneer” said Zimmer in 2021, “A master, an influence and influencer on countless others, still connecting us all with a deep sense of humanity and mystery”

Literally never one to sit still, Schulze left behind a vast portfolio of work including material that was unreleased for various reasons. Following up his posthumously issued final album ‘Deus Arrakis’, the poignant closing piece of which was ‘Der Hauch des Lebens’ (translated into English as “The Breath of Life”), ‘101, Milky Way’ is a real treasure from Klaus Schulze’s archives.

The album began at the end of 2008 as a soundtrack commission from a German film production company for a documentary about computer hackers. Klaus Schulze being Klaus Schulze ended up creating a complete album. The eventual documentary film ‘Hacker’ directed by Alex Biedermann only ended up using small sections of the music as a soft backdrop.

With the blessing of his estate, ‘101, Milky Way’ is now available for the first time; comprising of three lengthy pieces and two comparatively shorter ones, this previously lost album is a fitting way of maintaining his legacy. Across 15 minutes, ‘Infinity’ offers a grand sweeping ambience with occasional indigenous vocal chant samples and violin that gradually builds and then descends into a bubbly otherness. Only 5 minutes long, ‘Alpha’ recalls Jean-Michel Jarre’s more atmospheric moments.

While sequencer patterns have been notably absent so far, these drift in during the second third of the most classic Schulze of the pieces ‘Multi’; this goes on a hypnotic journey of over half an hour complete with spacey string machines, and then chattering percussive interventions and cosmic pulses for the drive into the home straight. The much shorter ‘Meta’ follows the atmospheric path over gentle rhythmic backbeat before over 18 minutes, ‘Uni’ offers a sedate intro before it bursts into a cacophony of buzzier and more jagged sounds and textures.

Some might not be so keen on the digital elements on ‘101, Milky Way’ when compared to his imperial phase albums but as Schulze said to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK: “I have spent many years fighting the various technical aspects from so many different machines that I absolutely enjoy turning on everything – and Boom, it’s all there. I certainly would not want to go back to having to tune everything… or patch my way through every single part of an analogue synth”.

A welcome release that captures the essence of 21st Century Klaus Schulze, ‘101, Milky Way’ is like a greeting from wherever he is now in the universe and fittingly continues his vast electronic legacy. No doubt there will be more to come from his unreleased archives and the man himself would approve.

In memory of Klaus Sculze 1947 – 2022

‘101, Milky Way’ is released by SPV as a gatefold double LP Edition, CD and download

Text by Chi Ming Lai
26 November 2024

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