Category: Interviews (Page 6 of 112)

KID MOXIE Close To You

Having taken a diversion in 2023 to work with German Queen Of Synthwave NINA on the ‘Lust’ EP. KID MOXIE is back on the soundtrack trail.

Recorded at her Lemon Tree Studios, the spine-tingling ‘Close To You’ is not a cover of THE CARPENTERS but a self-written song by Elena Charbila for the film ‘Don’t Open the Door’. An independent Greek horror movie by two brothers The Unboxholics has become massively popular in its home. Far from civilization, in a frozen forest on an inhospitable mountainside, a group of researchers is attacked by an unidentified figure. The sole survivor, a young biologist, takes refuge in the isolated cabin of a mysterious man…

Elena Charbila chatted to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK about this latest commission as well as what else is on the horizon as KID MOXIE…

So was ‘Close To You’ specially written and produced for the film ‘Don’t Open The Door’ or was it a song that you’d had on your computer for a while?

Yes, it was very much specifically for the film, its’ the first song I’ve fully, written, produced, mixed and mastered ever. This film happens to be one of the most successful Greek movies at the domestic box office in decades. It was a scary process as I’d never fulfilled a whole song on my own before. In the past, I’d always done as much as I felt could and then given it over to a co-producer or mixer.

As this was a homemade film, I wanted it to be full home made at my end as well. I locked myself up in my studio and pulled all the blinds down… where I live, there’s a lot of sun usually so for about 3 days, I lived in complete darkness, this is a really dark film and this particular song was going into one of the most pivotal scenes of the film and it’s a really dark scene by subject matter because of the location so I wanted to put myself where the actors were… and that’s how the song was born!

“If you bleed, I die…” is quite a striking statement?

Yes, this might be my favourite lyric in the song, just because it is very striking… I’m into striking things whether that’s a statement or an image. It also goes very much hand in hand the theme of the movie which has to do with karma. It also has something very lethal yet very erotic as a statement, the play on words in that it has something to do with death and has something to do with sex, it’s just very intriguing to me…

… and very Shakespearean too! The Unboxholics have directed the video ‘Close To You’ although the visual aesthetic is quite different from the film trailer?

So part of it was shot on location where one of the film’s pivotal scenes was shot and part of it was shot at The Unboxholics’ home studio which makes it look like I’m in a Ridley Scott set, like I’m in ‘Blade Runner’ or Cyberpunk land or something… I would say half of it matched the aesthetic of the film and half of it matches what I love and what The Unboxholics love which is that neon / vaporwave aesthetic.

You’ve been on social media quite a bit of late, is this a modern “needs must” situation to maintain your profile? Is it pressured or do you actually enjoy it?

I have to say social media has been an acquired taste for me. I’m extremely private, I don’t post private stuff ever, it’s always fantasy stuff. I want people to know that I obviously don’t post very personal or vulnerable stuff for better or for worse. So what you see on social media is not really my everyday life *laughs*

It’s my life in neon, it’s how I would want you to see me. Having said that, it’s a bit of a “needs must” situation in order to maintain it, I’ve put some pressure on myself but then I sort of became an autopilot thing and I just kept it going…

You have a covers album planned for this Fall, can you say anything about its concept and what will be included?

It basically is a recap of all the covers I’ve ever put out and a bunch of covers that are yet to come out. They will be staring to come out in the Fall, one of them is going to be in the new season of the Netflix show ‘Maestro In Blue’ in which ‘Creep’ was featured. I’ve had this need to have all my covers in one chapter because they were all over the place. Call it OCD, I don’t know or call it opening and closing a chapter. I love covers but it’s not what I want to be doing forever. So to put them in one big chapter and call it KID MOXIE ‘The Covers’, that is what is happening.

I know you did a cover of Burning Up’ by Madonna once, will that ever see the light of day?

OH BOY! YES! I DID do a cover of Burning Up’ by Madonna! I was a baby when I did that, I wasn’t very proud of the production or my vocals actually. I had a listen to it maybe a year ago and it was cringey for me! So I will not be putting it out as it is unless it gets majorly reworked let’s just say! 😉

‘Close To You’ is released by MINOS-EMI/A Universal Music Company and available on the usual platforms via

Other KID MOXIE releases are available from

Text by Chi Ming Lai
14 May 2024


The best album of 2019, ‘Dollars & Cents’ by KNIGHT$ gets the 5 year edition treatment with two bonus tracks including a Flemming Dalum Remix of ‘Gelato’ on pistachio coloured vinyl.

Also featuring ‘What’s Your Poison?’, ‘Alligator’, and the vibrant title track, ‘Dollars & Cents’ showcased James Knights brand of vibrant Britalo in a long playing format to the wider public. With the involvement of Fred Ventura and Paolo Gozzetti of ITALOCONNECTION in the production and mix of three tracks, it was granted disco authenticity. Meanwhile, co-produced by Martin Dubka, ‘Hijack My Heart’ allowed KNIGHT$ to tighten his trousers for a rousing floor-filler to rival BRONSKI BEAT.

To celebrate 5 years of ‘Dollars & Cents’, KNIGHT$ will be undertaking a number of shows performing the album in full including a London date on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at The Fiddler’s Elbow in Camden. Special Guests will be modern day New Romantic duo Steven Jones & Logan Sky; the pair had been introduced by the late Steve Strange of VISAGE and over the 10 years since, have recorded six albums of moody Eurocentric art pop overtures, the most recent being ‘Sacred Figures’.

James Knights, Steven Jones and Logan Sky got together for a chat with ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK ahead of their London show.

How did you become aware of each other?

James Knights: I think I first met Logan when HEARTBREAK reformed and performed at the Moth Club with ITALOCONNECTION in 2018. I performed my song ‘Alligator’ with ITALOCONNECTION that night and we started talking after the show.

Logan Sky: Before I started working with Steve Strange, VISAGE and Steven Jones, I was making tracks, with an Italo vibe. Listen to my first albums and also my latest subscriber-only cassette. I remember that KNIGHT$ were supporting HEARTBREAK (a dark Italo duo) and both acts filled the room with so much energy and got the crowd dancing. I picked up a vinyl of KNIGHT$ ‘Alligator’ EP at the performance and met James for the first time. I’ve seen KNIGHT$ play a few more times, supporting A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS and had good chats at each and we’ve kept in touch.

You are very influenced by Europe, although Steven and Logan are very Mittel Europa while James in more Mediterranean, how did the fascination with across the channel begin with you all?

Steven Jones: The Mittel Europa thing has its roots in my teenage suburban daydreams. I was into the novels of Christopher Isherwood and Stephen Spender (who offered snapshots of chic Bohemia). I watched French and German films, beguiled by their glamour and emotional complexity. Time spent in Düsseldorf at the age of 16 infused me with a sense of romantic possibility. German radio stations played electro pop hits I’d never heard before that left indelible imprints on my mind. On spontaneous trips to Paris (thank you, Charlotte!), I leafed through magazines effortlessly blending music, fashion and sex. I formed a habit for cafes and French torch songs. My fantasy Europe was grand, artistic, sexy, and colourful. Its smells were of coffee, cigarettes and cold sunlit beers. It was art and night-trains, girls called Kirsten, boys called Klaus. Its love affairs were volatile and sure to end badly. It was stylish, heartbreaking and a million miles away from my mundane English routine.

James Knights: Hard to say really. I’d never performed abroad until 2006! I always knew I wanted to perform my music there, since I studied Italian in secondary school and dreamt about this magical place I saw in all the books. In the early days, SCARLET SOHO used to go on stage to ‘Europe Endless’ by KRAFTWERK, the build is so good and it made for some positive tension before we went on stage.

What’s your favourite song that captures the essence of your love of Europe and why?

James Knights: Well I already mentioned ‘Europe Endless’, but there are some fun ones too and really too many to mention. Righeira ‘Vamos A La Playa’ from 1983, Sandy Marton ‘People From Ibiza’ from 1984. I always loved ‘To Germany With Love’ by ALPHAVILLE too, 1984. Of course everything by BOYTRONIC and THE TWINS.

Steven Jones: I could write a long list so I’m gonna choose two. A song that really captures this feeling for me is ‘Summer In Berlin’ by ALPHAVILLE. The sweetly evocative electronics, the yearning vocal, the imagery of a hot Berlin afternoon, the heavy machine, the sweaty body. All combine to evoke the complicated ambience of my Mittel Europa. Dark and light. Ominous and sunlit. A more contemporary expression of this sentiment is ‘Kisses’ by SLOWDIVE. Shimmering and impressionistic, it’s full of abstract longing and is accompanied by a video shot in night-time Naples in Midsummer.

The usual question, what is your favourite track by the other and why?

James Knights: ‘Summer Herz’ I think. I always love a trumpet or sax somewhere in the mix, and the track reminds me a bit of THE BELOVED vocally.

Logan Sky: ‘What’s Your Poison?’ is a stonker of a track, but I still have fond memories of ‘Alligator’ and love the lime green vinyl!

What is the plan for the upcoming London show at The Fiddler’s Elbow, what can attendees expect?

James Knights: I’ll perform the whole of the ‘Dollars & Cents’ LP, plus my other songs. It’s a huge celebration, and it’s going to be hot! Everyone’s welcome to come and party at The Fiddler’s Elbow on May 23rd and let off steam. The anniversary vinyl will also be available at the show.

Steven Jones: Logan and I have been recording and performing together for 10 years so we’ll be selecting some of our favourite songs from our entire catalogue, old and new. The gig offers an opportunity to let them manifest again in the live setting. It’s a good feeling to look back at all the songs we’ve written and perform some of them in a friendly low-key atmosphere. It’s also great to perform together again after a hiatus of several years. Expect style, irony and some smoulder!

What is next for you?

James Knights: In May, I will play at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig. It’s my third time there with numerous projects and always a great gig. I’m going to Munich to record a new song this summer, it’s called ‘Supernatural Lover’, I’m very happy with it. Then in the Autumn I will tour the UK with 80s legends CHINA CRISIS, and hit Europe again with TRANS-X. Looking forward to going to some new places like Odense, and Bury!

Steven Jones: That’s a deep and enigmatic secret. Obviously. But I can hint at a retrospective collection of our best songs and the early stages of some new material. There will be some artistic surprises too! Lately we’ve been collaborating with some of the luminaries of the dance music scene. We’ve released ’Come Back Tonight – The Remixes’ on Jaime Alguasuari’s label Anims. So expect more club orientated collabs and re-inventions.

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its warmest thanks to Steven Jones and Logan Sky

KNIGHT$ plays The Fiddler’s Elbow, 1 Malden Road, London NW5 3HS on Thursday 23rd May 2024 with special guests Steven Jones & Logan Sky – tickets available from

KNIGHT$ ‘Dollars & Cents’ is available as a pistachio coloured vinyl LP, CD + download from

Steven Jones & Logan Sky ’Come Back Tonight – The Remixes’ is available at while their back catalogue including the albums ‘Sacred Figures’ and ‘European Lovers’ is available from

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
4 May 2024

DIE SEXUAL Interview

From out of the shadows to under the strobe lights, DIE SEXUAL are the erotically charged Los Angeles-based duo of Anton Floriano and his wife Ros.

While Ros is comparatively new to the music scene having been more involved in visual art, Anton is best known as a member of production duo BLACK LIGHT ODYSSEY whose impressive remix portfolio includes YAZOO, ERASURE, IAMX, NITZER EBB, OMD and most notably DEPECHE MODE with a powerful take on ‘Oh Well’, one of their few decent tracks in the last 15 years!

Operating in not dissimilar territory to BOY HARSHER, NIGHT CLUB and NNHMN, DIE SEXUAL’s dark electronic template is exemplified by the seductive ‘Bound, I Rise’ from their debut EP ‘Bound’ which sees the bottom switch to the top in a hypnotic EBM friendly stomper. Followed-up swiftly with a standalone interim single ‘Tremble For Me’, the recently released EP ‘Inservio’ develops on the themes of desire and despair, domination and submission, as well as their penetrating club-friendly sound crafted using vintage and modular synthesizers.

Steamy and seductive, DIE SEXUAL trigger dark passions and conjugal exploration through their intoxicating elektro body musique. With lights down low, Ros and Anton Floriano spoke to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK about their motivations and realisations…

How did the idea of making music together as DIE SEXUAL come about?

Ros: We instantly knew we wanted to make music together from the moment we met. I connected with Anton through Instagram where he was promoting BLACK LIGHT ODYSSEY believe it or not. We hit it off rather quickly so I shared some solo tracks I’d done. Anton loved my voice and I think the rest came very natural. It was obvious from that point what we needed to do.

What are your shared music likes that help shape the sound of DIE SEXUAL?

Ros: We have mad love for all things analog, BPMs of 125, and industrial banging sounds. PORTISHEAD, LED ZEPPELIN, HARD CORPS, NITZER EBB, SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES, DEPECHE MODE and ZOOT WOMAN are probably some of my top influential artists. Definitely keeping these musical pioneers as somewhat of a foundation.

Anton: DEPECHE MODE, KRAFTWERK, CABARET VOLTAIRE, NITZER EBB and FRONT 242 would be my top influential artists. We also listen to a lot of newer techno and electronic acts and have a shared love of different artists that in some way play into the music we create.

Were there some things that one liked that perhaps the other wasn’t very keen on? 😉

Ros: Not really! Honestly, we enjoy the same music styles and that’s what makes doing DIE SEXUAL very comfortable for us… we are like one another’s mirror. You truly never know when or how inspiration will find you. Keeping an open mind is key with almost anything art-related and we may just stumble across something. Having a closed-mind only guarantees missing out on important talent and lack of growth. Our personal playlists are pretty eclectic for this reason.

Is there any style or approach that you have experimented with in DIE SEXUAL that you wouldn’t normally go with in BLACK LIGHT ODYSSEY?

Anton: As BLACK LIGHT ODYSSEY was an instrumental project and not having a vocalist. I had to build tracks around samples and themes, but even then I always tried to retain a more traditional song-like approach, not just doing straight club type arrangements. Now working with Ros, it’s a bit more natural being able to work in that verse / chorus structure but at the same time keeping it very DJ friendly. Ultimately, we like to create music for the dancefloor but it’s important it’s just as interesting to listen to in any environment.

DIE SEXUAL have opened their account with two EPs, has this release strategy been dictated by today’s streaming services or is this the best way to start?

Anton: Sure it stems from the current streaming environment and seemingly shorter and shorter attention spans to releases. Also, getting a whole album’s worth of tracks together seems a bit more daunting process and can take someone like us quite a long time to have enough completed in order to release a full album. Working on smaller batches of tracks allows us to get them out there sooner, then kind of move on to the next thing. Someday, we would probably like the challenge of doing that but just getting our feet off the ground feels better to be able to release material more frequently.

While there is a dark S&M club vibe to DIE SEXUAL, the songs are very catchy and energetic but dark without being depressing, how do you get the balance right?

Ros: The balance is truly right – when you mix tantalizing intimacy and a bit of dark essence, you find yourself at crossroads with the perfect concoction. We want to break that stigma that everything dark needs to be depressing or everything that is sexual can’t be done tastefully. It’s easy to express yourself when something comes naturally and is done from experience. So, really we are just speaking from our own perspective.

Anton: I’m really drawn to music that has some element of something sinister or menacing and the energy it creates isn’t depressing but enticing, you want to find out where it takes you.

‘Bound I Rise’ is not necessarily about S&M is it?

Ros: It is, and it isn’t. It came from a place of taking what’s yours and not holding back. It’s really about the subject and their uprising. You can assume they’ve gone through an experience where now, see themselves in a different light… as a force that cannot be reckoned with. Ultimately, they find their “someone” that they can be the version never thought possible and allowing themselves to give into those ways, restoring power and control with the “hunted” through a heavy, sexual powerplay. Thus having a passionate belief that through all of this; they’ll both become freed together, if accepted.

With ‘On This Night’, this showcases the gothic allure of your sound, there is this romance like with the classic goth bands, any thoughts about this as goth can often be dismissed now as being just about depression and hate?

Anton: The main riff / musical motif of ‘On This Night’ is actually based on a classic 80s Chicago House track and it’s showed up in various House, Techno and New Beat tracks over the years. We wanted to create this dark seductive vibe and can see how it resonates across genres. Lyrically, I’m inspired by that early DURAN DURAN, mid 80s DEPECHE MODE where the songs are largely about desire, passion and lust. I don’t come from a place of depression and hate, so I don’t really identify with those kind of lyrics.

Ros: That’s such a huge misconception and I feel proud to be a part of a community that embraces so many different branches that stem from one sole objectivity – wanting to feel welcomed… heard… supported to have a place to lay down our burdens, secrets, or angers; no matter how it may be presented. We give newcomers different outlooks that they no longer have the choice to be close-minded. There is something for everyone here and we know you’ll find it outside of stigmatisms / misconceptions if you just look.

Was there a reason that ‘Tremble For Me’ came out as a standalone single rather than included on ‘Bound’ or ‘Inservio’?

Anton: Following the release of ‘Bound’, we were a bit surprised how quickly it caught on and the attention it was receiving. We wanted to get another 3 track EP out by end of the year and ‘Tremble For Me’ was the first track we worked on along with starting on ‘House of God’. As we were nearing the holiday season and busy December plans, we knew it would not be possible to complete something by year’s end so we went ahead and just put out the one track we had completed and as we both really love the track, we were excited to get it out there and for people to hear it. Once January rolled around, we got back to work on writing and completing the tracks that make up ‘Inservio’.

How does ‘Inservio’ differ from ‘Bound’ or are they all part of the same family and parts of something bigger?

Ros: ‘Bound’ was a reflection of what was to come. The EPs aren’t one in the same but essentially are of chapters of DIE SEXUAL as we go into depth with our musical endeavors. There is always a repeated main theme (or emphasis) and we expect that to continue in following releases. In that case, I suppose you can say they are in fact a part of something larger!

What is your ‘Need To Sin’?

Anton: This track was conceived as a tantalizing roleplay of our seemingly innocent subject submitting to her ultimate desires and hedonistic fantasies, knowing any hesitation of guilt should be discarded as forgiveness will always be granted. Many of us, for a variety of reasons, tend to associate guilt with pleasure and as long as it’s consensual with our trusted partner, we need to learn to let go of that guilt and it’s ok to give in to what feels right.

What hardware, software and effects are you using in DIE SEXUAL, has there been anything that has been a particular revelation to achieve your aesthetic?

Anton: The majority of the synths on our tracks are the Roland System 100M, Oberheim Xpander and Sequential Circuits Pro-One. We have quite a lot more gear and with BLACK LIGHT ODYSSEY, I was always trying to use a little bit of everything but we seem to quickly kinda lock down tracks mainly working with those three units. Other synths that may show up here and there are the ARP 2600, Roland Jupiter 4, SH-1 and MKS-70, RSF Kobol, Korg MonoPoly, Waldorf Microwave, Sequential Pro 2 and Pro 3, Ensoniq SQ-80, E-mu Emax and several more pieces. For drums, we use boxes from Jomox and Elektron, a Toraiz sampler and Native Instruments Maschine.

We also have a moderate sized Eurorack system with a complete Roland System 500 set along with various other modules and we use Eurorack sequencers for a lot of the programming of the synth parts. As far as effects, we use hardware Eventide boxes, Elektron Analog Heat, an old Ensoniq DP2 and the Erica Synths Zen Delay. We mainly use Universal Audio plug-ins in the DAW.

What has been your favourite DIE SEXUAL song so far and your favourite that has not been released yet?

Ros: ‘On This Night’ will always hold a special place for me. I’m a highly-emotional, nostalgic ridden being and this takes me back to times that I shared and still do share with my partner. Not only that, but I know other people feel the same way about their muse or significant other when they come across this track. That makes me feel good inside. I can’t give away a favorite of an unreleased track but for you, Chi – we might give you a sneak peek!

Anton: ‘Fate Awaits’ was the first song Ros sent me when we first met so it was really rewarding to develop that into what it became, although I’m really loving the way ‘Need To Sin’ came out.

Have you considered making full length song videos or are short reels the way to go with how social media works now?

Ros: Full-length videos have been talked about for sure. It’s only a matter of time so you’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled for something soon. Coming from a professional photography and cinematography background, having any type of content is super vital. People like to what see you’re working on or doing but it’s said our attention spans timeout after a while and so sweet and short is where it’s at.

With the erotic charge of DIE SEXUAL, how far do you think you can push boundaries on social media?

Ros: We’re pushing the limits until we find a way to break them. There are other means of platforms that aren’t so restrictive, perhaps we might explore those. How’s that saying go? “Things weren’t like they used to be back then”.

Anton: Catch our early Sunday morning IG Stories, LOL! We believe in freedom of expression and that’s gotten us flagged a few times already, but we will continue to flirt with those boundaries and look at alternative platforms.

What is next for DIE SEXUAL? Is an album on the way? What about live shows?

Anton: We just played our first live show and have a string of shows coming up. We will likely start working on new material after this first round of shows and will probably release something early summer and just get out there and play a lot of shows over the summer. We shall see where things take us from there!

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its warmest thanks to DIE SEXUAL

The ‘Bound’ and ‘Inservio’ EPs, along with the ‘Tremble For Me’ single and ‘Remixes Vol1’ mini-album are available direct from

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
8 April 2024


Photo by Petter Duvander

Now with just Robert Enforsen remaining from the original line-up, ELEGANT MACHINERY began as a trio in 1989. They were named after the third album by DATA, the cult synthpop project of SAILOR’s Georg Kajanus released in 1985.

Alongside other acts such as PAGE, S.P.O.C.K and SISTA MANNEN PÅ JORDEN, ELEGANT MACHINERY were part of a movement of Swedish synth trailblazers dedicated to making a purer form of melodic electronic pop in the vein of early DEPECHE MODE, OMD, THE HUMAN LEAGUE and YAZOO.

In their first phase, ELEGANT MACHINERY would release three albums ‘Degraded Faces’ (1991), ‘Shattered Grounds’ (1993) and ‘Yesterday Man’ (1996). They disbanded in 1999 after the release of a “best of” compilation ‘A Decade of Thoughts’ which featured re-recorded material and rare songs.

Although there was a reunion in 2001, a full return did not begin in earnest until 2004 and the subsequent album ‘A Soft Exchange’ in 2008. However, there was another split but in 2016, Robert Enforsen revived ELEGANT MACHINERY for the much darker ‘I’ EP.

Since then, there have been no new releases but most recently Robert Enforsen has been performing as ELEGANT MACHINERY with Johan Malmgren who had been in the band since 1992 and a revolving live line-up that has included current S.P.O.C.K member Val Solo.

With the release for the first time of ‘A Soft Exchange’ in vinyl formats, ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK had a career spanning conversation with Robert Enforsen…

How has the ELEGANT MACHINERY brand managed to keep going for over three decades?

I’ve got to be upfront here and tell that I actually have been the only one of the other members that kept on going. After years of disagreements, me and Johan Malmgren eventually decided that life is here and now. I suppose that the soft start of this was when we were forced to meet at our mutual friend’s funeral. Johan afterwards gave me a hug and said the very wise words of that “who knows when this will happen to us, it could have been you or me in that funeral coffin”. Later on we two simply agreed on to start fresh, with our original intentions of EM; to make the best available synthpop the world has ever seen. So far I believe we’ve done quite good, despite some drawbacks.

Although ‘101’ and ‘Violator’ had happened, by the time of ELEGANT MACHINERY’s debut album ‘Degraded Faces’ in 1991, Grunge was about to take over the world… in hindsight, it perhaps wasn’t a great time to be a new synthpop band? 🎹🎤🎹😉

I get what you’re trying to go for here, which is rather funny. We were surely not blind for the music trends going on in the world, but we didn’t bother. Our only reason to make music was to make it as we’d love to hear it. ‘Violator’ was probably the best album ever coming out of DM, but we didn’t aim for that sound anyhow. We decided to stick to our unwritten rules of our work; basically to make music that sounded as weird and wonderful as the early/mid 80s in its top class.

What attracted you to making pop music by electronic means? Had the Synth Britannia movement been influential?

Synth Britannia, as such, never really came into my hemisphere as it obviously did in the UK. It was never the thing, so to say. Then again, all these bands, as mentioned before, have had a major influence on us, without a doubt. What the Brits refer to labelling it like this is basically what we would refer to as the synthpop movement. But yes that affected us all in a multitude of ways.

In 1995, ELEGANT MACHINERY’s recorded the title song for the ‘To Cut A Long Story Short’ electronic pop pioneers tribute compilation, what was the appeal of that SPANDAU BALLET song for the band?

The original song made it all clear for us; this song could also sound like ELEGANT MACHINERY. This was, as I can recall it, the trigger that made us plan our next steps. Then, one shouldn’t forget that SPANDAU BALLET by then were kind of an electronic band, unlike what they became. We simply made the song “ours”; more synthpop.

You also paid tribute to DEPECHE MODE with a cover of ‘My Secret Garden’ on the ‘I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous’ compilation, ELEGANT MACHINERY were often compared to early DM, did that help or hinder the band?

Oh gosh, hahaha, that is still the issue when talking about us today with people who are really not into the scene. For the outsiders, we probably always sound like DEPECHE MODE. Yes, we’ve got similarities to the early DM, but clearly also to bands such as SOFT CELL, THE HUMAN LEAGUE, OMD and so on. We truly, from the start tried to create our own identity, and I think we did.

’Process’ from ‘Degraded Faces’ was a wonderful lively pop tune… is it true that was popular in Spain, was that a surprise?

Thanks! The whole story goes like this; We released the album ‘Degraded Faces’ in 1991. We were already planning for the follow-up, when a Spanish label got in touch, wanting to release ‘Process’ as a CDM. They wanted it to be club friendly and we were suddenly stepping into territories we probably didn’t want to dive into. However, we made a compromise with ourselves and went into the studio trying to deliver a club sound as we could possibly interpret it.

During a recording procedure, that was more adventurous than one might think, and what truly can’t be told just in a few sentences, we managed to transform our song to what it became. Sadly, we didn’t get to see a single coin from the sales, despite reaching number 5, kicking down Madonna to number 6, in the official Spanish charts. On this matter I can go on forever, because the consequences didn’t stop with us, but also made our record label to chatter a bit or two.

‘Forget What I Had In Mind’ on the 1993 second album ‘Shattered Grounds’ recalled CAMOUFLAGE, do you think that successful German wave of bands which included DE/VISION and WOLFSHEIM helped keep the door open for electronic acts such as yourselves within North West Europe?

Without a doubt, even though DE/VISION started in 1988 just like ELEGANT MACHINERY and WOLFSHEIM just the year before. I tend to believe we all made this scene to stay alive.

Did you feel an affinity with other Swedish electronic acts of the period such as PAGE, S.P.O.C.K and COVENANT?

Yes, absolutely! PAGE started as one of the first electronic bands in Sweden. One must note, PAGE started when most of us were still pre-teens! However, we all kind of grew together. Not to forget that a pre-version of COVENANT actually had a gig at the party where I was asked to join what would become ELEGANT MACHINERY. Alexander Hofman designed the cover of ‘I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous’. I sold merch for the other bands of Energy Rekords, like POUPPÉE FABRIKK. I can continue forever here, hahaha! We all were part of what it all would become.

1996’s ‘Yesterday Man’ album maintained the melodic positivity despite the melancholic theme in the lyrics of songs like ‘Save Me’, ‘Say Goodbye’ and ‘Feel The Violence’? Was the ‘Yesterday Man’ album the one where the band felt most confident about in its abilities?

The mentioned songs in themselves are for sure rather melancholic, all being mainly in a minor key. Me personally can’t recall that this was a calling for us to make them like that; we all always had a penchant for the darker sides of life, while totally also being in love with the bleepy synthpop. The whole album just happened as it is from our hearts.

ELEGANT MACHINERY didn’t go drifting off into live drums and guitars like CAMOUFLAGE did on their third album ‘Meanwhile’ and DEPECHE MODE with their narcotic fuelled pseudo rock on ‘Songs Of Faith & Devotion’? Please discuss 😉

Hahaha, there’s nothing to discuss here. We started off with a passion for the drum machine sound, with synth sounds and such; no drummer or guitarist in the world could ever replicate this. We longed and still are longing for that programmed sound, with dynamic vocals on top.

Eskil Simonsson of COVENANT co-produced a number of the new songs and re-recordings on the 1998 compilation ‘A Decade Of Thoughts’. What was the idea behind doing re-recordings rather than using the familiar versions and how was the experience of being in the studio with him?

Our record label in the past, Energy Rekords, urged to make a “best of album” – we refused. To make such a foolish thing after just three albums simply seemed to be a bit over the top. ‘A Decade of Thoughts’ is the result of our refusal. We felt that it would be better to present ourselves in updated versions of our songs, while also getting the songs that’ve been laying there for a while a chance. I dare to say that we all felt we did the proper choice here. One fun fact is that while looking for a producer, Eskil Simonsson, an old friend of ours said that he HAS to be the one since he’s the biggest fan of ELEGANT MACHINERY ever. The search was over! 😀

The booklet of ‘A Decade Of Thoughts’ stated ELEGANT MACHINERY “use Novation synthesizers from Music Mania, Malmö”, what equipment did you use before then and what are you using now?

Without sounding snobbish, what didn’t we use back then in the 90s?! We’ve been blessed with getting hold of the finest analogue synths while they didn’t cost more than a low-price car. These synths got sold way back in time, while a few already then broke down, even during live performances. Nowadays we are using quite some synths from Arturia, some Behringer stuff, the old E-mu…

ELEGANT MACHINERY disbanded in 1999, it was a difficult period for synthpop bands as opposed to dance / DJ acts, what happened to cause the split?

This is a tough one for me personally, since I truly got taken by surprise of the split-up and that I, on top of this, got told about it on the very New Years Eve 1998. Pretty nasty indeed, since we on that very evening had a show in Germany on a mini festival with WELLE: ERDBALL, S.P.O.C.K and CAT RAPES DOG – I was in shock. However, I afterwards can understand my band mates; I was partying too much. To cut the words short, I eventually became more decent, but then it was for the moment too late.

What prompted the return of ELEGANT MACHINERY in 2001? How was the experience for you?

Back then, we got two great offers for shows in Hollywood USA and Mexico City that were too good to reject. However, Johan Malmgren was then already about to go on tour with S.P.O.C.K in Germany and the surrounding countries, so we had to find another solution with someone who both could play, sing backing vocals and perform. In came our old dear friend Jarmo Ollila from DAILY PLANET (in these days singing in the band TELESKOP that he’s got with his brother Jouni Ollila). These two shows and the surrounding free days will always remain as fantastic memories for me.

There was a new ELEGANT MACHINERY album ‘A Soft Exchange’ in 2008 but there has not been a long playing record since, but how do you look back on the making of this record?

The shows in USA and Mexico lead to even more shows in like for instance Moscow, Russia and Tallin, Estonia (where we had the honor to sign the wall behind the bar in the famous DM pub in the latter city). We started to seriously talking about a new album. Since I was already dug deep down in the work of my other band HYPE’s forthcoming album ‘Desperately Yours’ that got released in 2006, the new album with ELEGANT MACHINERY, ‘A Soft Exchange’ had to wait.

After the release of the HYPE album, a year later I was expecting my first son, while we were recording all the pre-production of the new songs. We were by now, once again, living spread out in different cities and towns over Sweden. I had to travel a lot to enter one of the most used studios for my vocals, while I could sit in my home studio and work on different hooks for the production. The Moog Voyager Rack was for a while essential for me to create a lot of the drops and risers to use. ELEGANT MACHINERY were once again back – for a while.

The most recent ELEGANT MACHINERY release was an EP called ‘I’ in 2016, how do you find producing new music now, is it more enjoyable than back then or is it much more challenging?

Back in 2016, I befriended a talented musician named Jonas Kröjtz, living in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he also had his studio. We started to talk about if we, without the other past members, could create a new album with ELEGANT MACHINERY and at the same time try to make it more fresh. The EP ‘I’ became our child; a strong four song EP that was meant to be followed up with two more EPs. However, the way the record label worked with doing no real promotion made me to quit the collaboration with them.

At around the same time, I moved from Sweden to Germany. Eventually me and Johan Malmgren got back to each other, starting to talk about making a new album, despite living rather far away from one another. Then, thanks to the current technology, we could move ahead with our plans. We can collaborate in multiple ways online. Then… here comes the difference from the days of our youth and around nowadays; we spend more time with family and ordinary day-jobs than with producing music.

Already 20 years ago, the downloads of mp3 killed our incomes and now it would almost be an absurd thought living from what the music brings in financially. The sum of it all; we have more fun these days to create our next darling, but it takes more time. Actually, it has to take more time due to the lack of the very same; time.

Songs like ‘I Say’ and ‘Wheels In Motion’ from ‘I’ both brought in some aggression when compared with early ELEGANT MACHINERY and even the songs on ‘A Soft Exchange’, was this the midlife angst creeping in?

Hahaha, this is a funny reflection, but unfortunately not true whatsoever. With the EP ‘I’ and the circumstances it was created from, I could start to express myself in new ways. There was life events that were rather unpleasant happening the years before there and I needed to get it out in the songs in a proper way. I also thought it was time to develop the sound of ELEGANT MACHINERY.

Had the lyrics of ‘Future Breakup’ been motivated by anything in particular?

Indeed! This song is directed directly to my then pre-teen son and how he could get my advice later on in the future, being grown up.

Your vocal style, past and present has always had a passionate and honest style of delivery, how do you feel about the use of voice correcting software in recording today?

There has, since the early days of multi-track recording, been ways to manipulate certain takes from both musicians and vocalists. There’s nothing wrong with that. I mean, sequencers for electronic bands have always corrected the timing for instance. Then, of course, vocals need to have a certain degree of humanity when producing rather static synth music. I am no fan of too much editing there. Then, when it comes to the music production after Cher’s song ‘Believe’, most current song productions went downhill. I think like this; if you can’t sing, learn to sing or shut up. It’s as easy as that. Today’s younger people have been growing up with more corrected vocals than non-corrected ones. Isn’t that sad?!

What have been your ELEGANT MACHINERY career highlights? Do you have a favourite memory or amusing story?

Oh gosh, this is impossible to tell in less than a book, but one funny highlight that I always come back to is when I and another guy from our team separated from the rest of the group going out at Reeperbahn in Hamburg. This is way before Google Maps. I tried to be clever, so I wrote down the station street we got off and were to head back to in the dim night. I knew “Strasse” meant street, so I wrote down the name “Einbahnstrasse” and we carried on. Later on, me and my mate hopped into a taxi cab whereby I proudly announced our destination. The driver leaned back to me, asking “Are you a tourist?” Hahaha, little did I know that “Einbahnstrasse” means “One Way Road”!

Are there any of the 21st Century wave of Nordic electronic pop acts who you enjoy and rate?

Well, TELESKOP, TRAIN FROM SPAIN and KENT is some of the acts I can enjoy a bit. To rate them is not my cup of tea; that’s not fair. I prefer to see the good stuff only.

Finally, what is next for you and ELEGANT MACHINERY?

Me and Johan Malmgren, who has written the foundation for most of ELEGANT MACHINERY’s ultimate well-known songs like ‘Save Me’, are working together again since a couple of years. As mentioned before, we take it bit by bit as our time’s allowing us to do. Eventually there will be a new album out, with songs stronger than ever before. Also with some sprinkles of anger in the vocals on some songs can be expected, hahaha!

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its warmest thanks to Robert Enforsen

Special thanks to Steffi Enforsen

‘A Soft Exchange’ has been reissued by Out Of Line Music as a red vinyl LP, available from

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
Photos by Simon Helm except where credited
4 April 2024


Photo by Petra Ruehle

If you’ve ever wondered what happened to good electronic dance music with a grittier impassioned outlook, well it’s alive and well in Berlin in the form of the recent ‘Hide & Seek’ EP from DINA SUMMER.

A collaborative project comprising of LOCAL SUICIDE, the Greco-German technodisco couple Dina Pascal and Max Brudi and KALIPO, the moniker of Nu-disco exponent Jakob Häglsperger, DINA SUMMER opened their account with the excellent single pairing of ‘Who Am I’ and ‘Fortune Teller’ in 2021. The Italo flavoured debut album ‘Rimini’ followed a year after.

Before they departed on their next set of travels, DINA SUMMER spoke collectively to ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK about their past, present and future…

You produce music in your own right as LOCAL SUICIDE and KALIPO, so how did the idea of working together come about?

We’ve been friends for years before starting collaborating. But the idea of a collaboration started when Jakob (KALIPO) and Dina and Max (LOCAL SUICIDE) were all playing at the same festival. While hanging out at the backstage, Jakob floated the idea of Dina contributing vocals to some of his edgier darker tracks. A few weeks later Dina and Max popped over to Jakob’s studio to lay down some vocals, and things just clicked from there. The creative energy sparked instantly, and before we knew it, ideas were flowing freely, blurring the lines between our individual projects. The musical and personal chemistry was undeniable, and from that moment on, the idea of creating a new live project took root and flourished.

Photo by Alex Gotter

What is the creative chemistry in DINA SUMMER, do you have designated roles?

Our creative process flows with flexibility. While we embrace a collaborative approach without strict roles, each member contributes their unique strengths. Jakob’s background as a sound engineer, a live performer and multi-instrumentalist, cultivated through his involvement with German band FRITTENBUDE and his solo project KALIPO, enhances our sonic landscape. Max and Dina, in addition to their production roles, are experienced DJs too, ensuring our tracks translate seamlessly to the dancefloor. Max’s extensive experience in label management brings valuable industry insight to our projects. Meanwhile, Dina leads lyric writing and takes care of our social media also lending a hand with PR efforts.

‘Who Am I’ and ‘Fortune Teller’ was an excellent first single pairing, were these tracks built up from scratch or ideas originally for LOCAL SUICIDE or KALIPO?

Both tracks were actually created after we had finished producing our debut album. However, we made the decision to release them as our first EP under the name DINA SUMMER to introduce our new project. Our goal was to craft a fresh and distinctive sound by blending elements from our individual projects while venturing into new sonic landscapes.

What do you get from a satisfaction point of view in DINA SUMMER that might not occur otherwise?

DINA SUMMER is our playground for experimenting with diverse styles and pushing creative boundaries. It’s a collaboration that provides a unique sonic space, allowing us to explore new territories and find satisfaction in merging our individual approaches. Currently, we’re in the studio producing a variety of tracks, from dark wave and synthpop to electronic tunes made for the dancefloor.

Photo by Petra Ruehle

How do you look back on the making of the ‘Rimini’ album? Was the sunny Italian flavour intentional from the start?

Looking back on the making of the ‘Rimini’ album, it was a thrilling adventure. From the outset, we intentionally infused it with the sunny Italian flavor, aiming to encapsulate the vibrant and energetic atmosphere of the region. Our shared love for Italy and its music, especially Italo disco, served as a driving force, motivating us to pay homage to its essence. Given Rimini’s significance as a hub for Italo disco enthusiasts, it felt natural to center our album around it.

With ‘Rimini’ you released not one but two remix albums… are remixes a strategy due to modern streaming algorithms or is it something you wholeheartedly embrace… but can it be too much on occasions?

After releasing ‘Rimini,’ we realized that some tracks weren’t exactly geared for the dancefloor, but held serious potential. Thus, we cooked up a ‘Versioni Discoteca’, or Club Versions album, featuring our own club edits of selected tracks. Additionally, we already had some killer remixes for a few singles released upfront, and we loved them so much that we sought out a few more, aiming for a diverse sound. It’s always intriguing to witness other artists’ reinterpretations of your music. Furthermore, we were eager to involve some Italo legends and were delighted to receive remixes by Alexander Robotnick and Daniele Baldelli & Marco Dionigi.

Around the time of ‘Rimini’ although not featuring on the album, you covered THE FLIRTS’ Bobby O produced disco classic ‘Passion’ and FRONT 242’s EBM favourite ‘Headhunter’ as free downloads, what was the thinking behind this as they are at quite opposite ends of the electronic dance spectrum?

We chose to cover tracks like THE FLIRTS’ ‘Passion’ and FRONT 242’s ‘Headhunter’ because they’re both songs we absolutely adore and we wanted to give them a dance floor makeover. Jakob suggested ‘Passion’, while ‘Headhunter’ was Dina’s idea, but we all agreed instantly that we should give them a shot. It was a fun way to pay homage to influential tunes from different corners of the electronic dance scene while showcasing our versatility and passion for diverse musical styles… and with fewer purists around these days and the current wave of Italo Body Music blending EBM, Italo, and new beat vibes, it felt like the perfect time to explore these classics and put our own spin on them.

Photo by Alex Gotter

Do you have any favourite go-to synths for your productions?

Our go-to synths for our productions often include the Moog One, Korg MS20, Sequential Prophet 6, and Moog Voyager, which you can hear in nearly all of our songs.

On the ‘Hide & Seek’ EP, the title song comes in two different versions, had it been a challenge to realise your visions, was there any creative tensions as to where to take it?

Originally, we crafted the original version of the title track for the ‘Hide & Seek’ EP. But with its faster synth-pop vibe, we realized it might not seamlessly fit into our solo live and DJ sets, as well as those of other DJs. So, we decided to create a club version to give it an electronic twist, making it more dancefloor-friendly for a wider audience. This allowed us to tailor the song to fit the needs of club DJ sets while preserving its energy.

As can be heard on ‘Unter Strom’ and other tracks, drums fills are a characteristic of the DINA SUMMER sound which is quite unusual in club music, how did this enter the party?

Since we’ve used drum fills in our solo productions, it just made sense to bring them into the DINA SUMMER sound too. We love how they add a unique twist to our music and have always been about breaking away from the usual club music norms by throwing in some dynamic and unexpected elements.

Anglo-German vocals are another constituent to DINA SUMMER, do you view the voice as just another sound texture or is the lyrical content important as well?

While the voice certainly contributes as another sound texture, we also value the importance of lyrical content. Our lyrics can range from humorous, as seen in tracks like ‘Zig Zag’ and ‘Fortune Teller’ to empowering in songs like ‘Who Am I’, ‘Dominator’, ‘All or Nothing’ and ‘Echoes of the Past’. We also delve into fictional storytelling, as seen in ‘Revenge’, which tells a horror sci-fi tale or we explore specific characters, such as the story of Rimini’s Romeo La Zanza Maurizio in the track ‘Rimini’. Our lyrics typically revolve around topics that we find interesting, important or amusing.

Photo by Petra Ruehle

‘All Or Nothing’ is very energetic and stark at the same time, but doesn’t use hi-hats in its rhythm, how did you arrive at this feel?

This distinctive feel is achieved through a combination of elements: a 16th arpeggio Moog bassline, infectious vocals, and numerous breaks featuring screaming opening filters and a deep sub bass.

‘Excess’ does what it says on the tin and is quite sweaty and sexually charged, is the viewpoint expressed autobiographical or observational?

We were captivated by the tales and visual material of Studio 54, prompting us to create a track that embodies the spirit of this legendary club. Renowned for its hedonistic vibe and lavish gatherings, Studio 54 inspired the birth of ‘Excess’. This track dives deep into the sweaty, sexually charged atmosphere synonymous with the club culture of that era, evoking feelings of unrestrained indulgence and opulence.

The Berlin music scene appears to have a lot of camaraderie, which artists have impressed you recently who are based in or around the city?

In the vibrant Berlin music scene, camaraderie runs deep, and we’re constantly inspired by the talents surrounding us. One artist who stands out for us right now is CURSES; his production prowess, DJ sets, and guest vocals truly resonate with us. So we’re very happy to have a guest appearance by him on our next album too. We also love the work of SKELESYS, FRANZ SCALA, ITALO BRUTALO, MODERNA, RADONDO, NEU-ROMANCER, ZANIAS, KRIS BAHA, and PHASE FATALE, some of whom we’ve also had the pleasure of collaborating with. On the DJ front, we’re particularly drawn to the sounds of Paty Vapor, Caillou, Ludmila Houben, Melanie Havens and Philip Strobel.

Will there be another DINA SUMMER album, does the long playing format have a place in this modern world of music consumption or is another EP more likely?

We are currently working on our album, although we’re not certain when it will be completed. It’s possible that we may release an EP before the album. However, rest assured, a DINA SUMMER album is on the horizon, and we anticipate it will be released either by the end of this year or the beginning of the next.

Photo by Petra Ruehle

What is next for you as DINA SUMMER but also individually?

Right now, we’re deeply focused on crafting our second album as DINA SUMMER, while also preparing for upcoming gigs in Switzerland and Sicily. Furthermore, we’re excited to announce our confirmed appearances at several festivals in Germany and France for the summer season with more to be announced soon.

KALIPO has some exciting releases in the works, starting with an EP set to drop on Ki Records, along with a series of performances at various venues and festivals.

Meanwhile, LOCAL SUICIDE have an impressive line-up of releases coming up. This includes a collaboration with PANKO on U’re Guay Records, an EP with VELAX featuring remixes by Arnaud Rebotini and Andre VII for Record Store Day on Iptamenos Discos, and another EP with SKELESYS later in the year again on Iptamenos. Additionally, they’ve been hard at work on several remixes scheduled for release in the coming months. While their DJ schedule is packed for the next few months, they’re also planning to take some time off this summer in Greece, Dina’s homeland, to recharge their batteries.

ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK gives its sincerest thanks to DINA SUMMER

Additional thanks to Mirren Thomson at Eclectica

‘Hide & Seek’ is released by Iptamenos Discos, available as a 12” EP or download via

Text and Interview by Chi Ming Lai
13 March 2024

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