If ACTORS were fronted by DLINA VOLNY and went to a horror flick all-nighter with BOY HARSHER, that would be a good way to describe MINDREADER.
Like ACTORS, MINDREADER are from Canada, a Montreal-based quartet comprising Valerie Kirkwell, Edward Scrimger, Bryan Greenfield and Alexandre Duguay; their tagline is “Can't spell MINDREADER without dread”. Continue Reading ›
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Celebrating 45 years of BLANCMANGE, ‘Everything Is Connected’ is a new career-spanning "best of" collection curated by co-founder and front man Neil Arthur.
With him being one of the most prolific artists in the UK, it is appropriate that this compilation is a double and split into two distinct chapters. Continue Reading ›
To celebrate 5 years of ‘Dollars & Cents’, KNIGHT$ will be undertaking a number of shows performing the album in full including a London date on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at The Fiddler's Elbow in Camden. Special Guests will be modern day New Romantic duo Steven Jones & Logan Sky.
They got together for a chat ahead of their London show. Continue Reading ›
John Carpenter is back-back-BACK! The Horror Master and his regular collaborators Cody Carpenter and Daniel Davies present the fourth instalment of the ‘Lost Themes’ series.
A family unit of father, son and godson, the trio were inspired by a book of stills from noir films and their titles; John Carpenter’s wife Sandy King gave him the book one Christmas. Continue Reading ›
In 1984, Berlin School legend Klaus Schulze did a co-production for the only album by Jyl, released on his label Inteam GmbH.
Born in California, Jyl Porch went to Europe to work as a dancer and model, before ending up in Germany. Here she was introduced to Ingo Werner who was looking for a performance artist to collaborate with on some electronic compositions he was developing. Continue Reading ›
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