Just as it looked like it would be safe to come out to play, there was uncertainty within the music industry again. However, the misuse of “synth” as a description reached a new nadir in 2023.
With the world now making up for lost time since 2020, it would be fair to say that 2023 has been something of a strange year!
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Loula Yorke is the Oram Award winning live modular synthesist whose excellent new album ‘Volta’ is released at the start of 2024.
Following up her 2022 full length debut ‘Florescence’, the Suffolk-based composer took some time out to answer some questions about her creative ethos and the making of her new album ‘Volta’. Continue Reading ›
Masha Zinevich, Vad Mikutski and Ales Shishlobegan began making music together as DLINA VOLNY in 2016. A wider international breakthrough came in 2021 with the impressive second long player ‘Dazed’ released by Italians Do It Better.
Front woman Masha Zinevich kindly answered a range of questions put to them about their musical universe and upcoming UK + European live shows. Continue Reading ›
But what about the music? This year’s 30 song listing was quite straightforward to compile.
Selected from tracks available on the usual online retail platforms with a restriction of one song per artist moniker, here are the ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK’s 30 SONGS OF 2023 listed in alphabetical order… Continue Reading ›
As the Yule Tide season gets into full swing, this is a collection of modern seasonal tunes with a more artful slant.
With a song to play on each of the 25 days in December until Christmas, each has their own take on the holiday period, whether happy or sad or both. Please remember, a synth is for life and not just for Christmas… may it bring you lots of cheer! Continue Reading ›
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